// added support for 5.2 wp_body_open hook

May 2021 Newsletter

By June 2, 2021 June 21st, 2022 No Comments

VPEP Switches to Secure Fax

You should have received an email announcing we will be implementing a secure fax
system to receive AOPs more quickly and efficiently from each of you at the hospital. All
hospitals will continue to mail originals to the Office of Vital Records and the copy previously mailed to VPEP should be faxed to 804-285-5829.

This new development involves the implementation of an industry leading secure fax
system. Hospitals will use secure fax to send AOPs weekly to the VPEP office allowing
us to achieve timely processing of all AOPs and issuance of timely payments. All faxed
documents are stored behind a firewall and authenticated against the sender’s email.

Read more here.